Day 8 of the 31-Day Nail Art Challenge : Metallic Nails

day 8.2.1

I know it’s been, what, 3-4 days since I last posted a blog for the nail art challenge. I’ts been horrible! Had issues with my internet connection, then I had problems with my computer, lost some files and the list goes… But I was able to do my nails but not post them.

Here it is, Day 8 of the challenge – Metallic Nails.

I use OMG Oh My Golly’s  Gold Digger as my base colour. As you can see, it’s metallic gold and OMG Oh My Golly’s Black Out as the top colour for the Saran Wrap technique.


This design is really easy to do.

-Let your base color dry

-Apply a thick coat of your top color and immediately dab a small crumpled piece of Saran wrap or Cling wrap gently to remove some of the top color.

-Let dry a little.

-Apply your favorite top coat.

Hope you guys like this design.

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