Day 4 of the 31-Day Nail Art Challenge : Green Nails

Hi everyone!

Im back with the Day 4 of the 31-Day Nail Art Challenge!

Today, Im going to show you Green Nails of the challenge.

As of today, the Typhoon Maring ( international name Trami) has gone and we’re all happy that everything is going back to normal. I also feel for those who have been affected by the floods, landslides and the likes. I hope and pray that they will stand up and rise again soon.

So, here goes the green nails.


As you can see, these are slices of a kiwi fruit. I was thinking of something fresh that is why I came up with this.


I started with this apple green based that is so not opaque so I have to do 4 coats of the Caress Apple Green nail polish ( local brand ). It is a frosted nail polish so you can definitely see some shine.


I painted the seeds and the core using acrylic paints. I put a blob of paint in the center then drew as many lines from the blob outwards to create the effect of the core.


Then I put lots and lots of black dots in between the lines to make the seeds. I let the paint dry for about 10 minutes then sealed the design with a Caronia top coat and that’s it!

What do you think of this design?

Watch out for the 5th Challenge!

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